Online Services

IT Services and Trainings; send your requirements or ask for support

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Communications are transforming the digital customer journey. See what you can build with us.

Whatsapp Messaging

Onboard your Company with our Whatsapp Integration.

Digital Marketing

Extend and amplify your marketing campaigns.

Dispatch Notifications

Send text messages and phone calls to dispatch mobile workers from any field management service system.

Call Tracking

Accurately measure the effectiveness of your ad campaigns using phone numbers.

Appointment Reminders

Reduce no-shows by sending confirmation messages from CRM and reservation systems.

Account Notifications

Keep your customers in the loop about every change in their account.

Cloud IVR

Build a scalable IVR system to route each caller to the right representative.



Tallinn, Sepapaja tn 6, 15551, Estonia


+372 6689040